June 30, 2016

Fox at Twelve Months

June 30, 2016
12 months old

recording all the firsts
  • Fox took off walking at 11.5 months! He gets around real well, with barely a wobble or fall. 
  • Fox will clap if we ask and when we sing "if you're happy and you know it."
  • Fox finally moved out of mommy and daddy's bedroom and into his own. He doesn't like it. 

some of Fox's
Favorite Things
  • Fox loves being bossy. He knows how to get just what he wants by begging and turning on the tears and I so easily give in.
  • Fox loves breastfeeding and unfortunately I am weening him this month so that I can have surgery. I am working on slowly weening him and he hasn't enjoyed the process. Sorry baby!
  • Fox loves putting on and taking off lids. He has been doing this for months but seems to be even better at it now. It can keep him entertained for quite some time.
  • Fox loves balls and will wind up by holding it super far behind his head and will either give it a good throw or drop it. Maybe he's purposely playing tricks on us? 
  • He likes to look at books, and insists on holding it himself and turning the pages.

Eating raw corn at Wal-Mart

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