December 24, 2009

LFO: Larsen Family Reunion 2009

Believe it or not Ben and I had our first date at the Larsen Family Reunion in Rexburg, Idaho back in June 2008. I was attending BYU-Idaho and Ben was visiting from LA and told me to "permanent marker" him into my schedule. I ended up at a cabin meeting all his relatives and playing games with all of his cousins until 3am. So it was such a sweet experience to reunite with all his relatives again, yet this time married, at the Larsen Family Reunion on the Carribbean Seas 2009!

Uncle Dallin and Uncle Randy were in charge this year and took about 100 of us on a crusie to Jamaica and Haiti. We had so much fun catching up with the relatives at the dinner table, playing games in the lounge every night, climbing Dunns River Falls in Jamiaca, taking Snarr family photos on the beach in Haiti, enjoying shows on the ice skating rink or auditorium, laughing as Tony and Abby were on stage for the newly wed game, watching the guys play in the volleyball competition, Uncle Rick in the belly flop competition, Ben in the scavenger hunt, young Palmer in the rockcliming competion, and most of all spending quality time with so many of our family members.


Melissa Bowman said...

looks like you had a blast!

Dawny said...

I love all of the photos of you and Ben. Man...looking at all of this makes me want to go do it again! Cruises are so much more fun with a big group of people. I can't wait for the next reunion! :-) How was your trip to the DR?

Mom Moose said...

How fun! Beautiful trip!
